Implementing Lean Software Development
Mary & Tom Poppendieck Implementing Lean Software Development
Lean software development is inspired from the Toyota production and product development systems.
Look at projects as products. There is no end-date.
Give the customers more than they expect, which is only possible with a deep understanding of the business.
The 7 principles
- Eliminate waste
- Build quality in - TDD, CI, fix bugs
- Create and capture knowledge
- Defer commitment - change plans as we get more knowledge
- Deliver fast
- Respect people
- Optimize the whole
Minimize the 7 types of waste in a software project.
Keeping track of knowledge through the A3 report (e.g. mindmap and collection of notes on one piece of A3)
Dealing with partners
- frequent integration
- exchange people
- use proxy persons
- no second class citizens
Relational contracts - focus on howto work together vs. what to deliver